In this episode of Zen and the Art of Real Estate Investing, Jonathan interviews Jim Sheils, a real estate investor and bestselling author, to discuss the strategy of building homes, specifically to rent. As a partner at Southern Impression Homes, Jim shares his expertise in this unique approach to real estate investing. He also co-owns 18 Summers, a family education company. He integrated these principles into his book, “The Passive Income Playbook: Leverage Build-to-Rent Real Estate to Buy Back Your Time & Create a Legendary Family Life.”
Jonathan and Jim dive into Jim’s path into real estate, sparked by a desire to escape a job he disliked after college. They discuss his early investments, the lessons he learned, and how these experiences led him to focus on a build-to-rent strategy. Jim dispels common misconceptions about build-to-rent properties, shares the key attributes he seeks when developing new properties, and highlights challenges unique to areas like Florida. He emphasizes the value of simplicity in investing, explaining how to manage a portfolio with minimal time investment while prioritizing quality over quantity.
You’ll hear more from Jonathan and Jim about:
- There are benefits to build-to-rent that purchasing an older property just doesn’t have.
- Jim focuses on second-tier markets that can give him the most bang for his buck.
- His ultimate goal is to create a portfolio of properties that can be passed down to his kids.
- New flippers should focus on cosmetic renovations before they take on bigger projects that may require structural or other major improvements.
Built-to-rent as a strategy isn’t as common as purchasing properties and holding them, but it can be a great way to build equity and control the quality of your portfolio.
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